Kateryna Odarchenko

Kateryna Odarchenko has nine years of experience in democracy building and campaign management. She is the author of 500+ publications about transparent public administration, campaign management, good governance, and civil society development. She is also the author of the “Election Game” handbook for politicians in Eastern Europe and Central Asia for democracy building and control of elections. Odarchenko initiated several bills in Ukraine about democratic elections, women’s rights, and stronger institutions. She has also initiated projects with the European Parliament for the implementation of EU laws in the Ukrainian legislature. She organized 12 experience exchange programs for EU professionals and public administrators in the United States, the European Union, United Arab Emirates, and Israel. Odarchenko has more than five years of experience in cooperating with Ukrainian and Eastern European presses, often writes for American think tanks, and participates regularly in media communications.

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    Articles by Kateryna Odarchenko

    Ukraine Scores Diplomatic Victory at Peace Summit

    Executive Summary: The Summit on Peace in Ukraine, held in Switzerland on June 15 and 16, demonstrated a unified position held by many states worldwide in respecting Ukraine’s territorial integrity