Latest Articles about Europe

Top al-Qaeda Operative Arrested in Lebanon

On Wednesday September 23 Lebanese authorities announced the arrest of the country's top al-Qaeda operative, who along with another Lebanese suspect had planned to stage simultaneous suicide bombing attacks in Beirut against the embassies of Italy and Ukraine, both participating members of the US-led coalition... MORE

Wahhabism and al-Qaeda in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Nine years have passed since the imposition of the Dayton Agreement on war torn Bosnia-Herzegovina. While Dayton facilitated the end of fighting between Serb, Croat, and Bosnian republican forces - the latter typically referred to in global media as "Muslim militia" - it also left... MORE


During the annual April 26 commemoration of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Belarusian authorities detained several foreign nationals, including citizens of Russia and Ukraine. The arrests that occurred at one of the commemorations in Minsk have caused serious tensions with Kyiv, after the Belarusian authorities initially... MORE


Russian President Vladimir Putin's plans to purchase Leonid Brezhnev's residence in the Crimea have collapsed. USSR Dacha No.1, "Hlitsyniya," is among the Ukrainian properties excluded from privatization. Nevertheless, Putin attempted to acquire it from Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma as a token of gratitude for supporting... MORE

The European Battleground

The assassination of the controversial Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh has provoked some uncomfortable debates in Europe. The killer was not dispatched on his mission by sinister al-Qaeda masterminds scheming somewhere from their hideout in Asia. On the contrary, the assassin epitomizes the new European... MORE

Radical Islam in the Netherlands

Islamists have been known to be active in the Netherlands for at least the past decade. Their activities have been reported in various documents by the Dutch authorities [1], especially the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), whose first public statements date back to 1991.... MORE

Italy: Europe’s Emerging Platform for Islamic Extremism

Investigations by the Italian security services since 2001 indicate that Italy has become a platform for al-Qaeda associated terrorist operations in Europe and Iraq. Italy's Muslim population is concentrated in Milan, with an estimated 100,000 Muslims residing in the northern city. Not surprisingly Milan appears... MORE

The Struggle Within Islam: Albanian Muslims Reject Extremism

I first heard the term "Wahhabi"--referring to the ultrafundamentalist Islamic sect that is the state dispensation in Saudi Arabia--in a Yugoslav context, in 1989. Specifically, Wahhabism was compared with Stalinist Communism, a parallel that seemed immediately appropriate. But little did I imagine that as a... MORE