Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 61
Arguing that PresidentClinton shared his views, Russian President Boris Yeltsin saidthat he opposed any use of outside force in Bosnia, Russian radioreported July 27. The Russian foreign ministry said that AndreiKozyrev had secured agreement from the Bosnian Serbs not to attackGorazde; and it sharply criticized the U.S. Senate for votingto lift the arms embargo on the Bosnian government. Meanwhile,Duma foreign affairs committee chairman Vladimir Lukin told InterfaxJuly 26 that Russia must unilaterally lift the economic sanctionson rump Yugoslavia if the USA lifts the embargo on arms deliveriesto the Bosnian government. Only by taking such a step could Russiaforce the US to coordinate its policy in the region with Russia,Lukin said. He also insisted on the "dual key" principlewhereby decisions on NATO air strikes in Bosnia would requireUN Security Council approval, and would be subject to Russianveto.
Kuchma, Chernomyrdin Fail to Reach Agreement.