Latest Articles about Latin America

Russia Seeks to Strengthen Political Ties with Latin America in Struggle for Influence in Global South (Part One)

Executive Summary: The Kremlin is trying to strengthen ties with Latin American countries amidst political-economic isolation after the invasion of Ukraine.  Russia hosted an inter-parliamentary conference with Latin American delegates to confront Western sanctions and strengthen the Global South. Proposed collaboration areas included legislative exchange,... MORE

China and Nicaragua’s Deepening Embrace

In October 2023, Nicaragua signed an agreement with China’s CAMC Engineering Company (中工国际工程) for the reconstruction, expansion, and upgrading of the Punta Huete International Airport (Yicai, October 18). The company is a subsidiary of the conglomerate China National Machinery Industry Corporation (国际集团), also known as... MORE

Chinese PSCs: Achievements, Prospects, and Future Endeavors

Executive Summary Along with their clear internal (domestic) needs, Chinese private security companies (PSCs) have been spotted operating in virtually all major regions around the world. These entities currently play a marginal role in the promotion and protection of Chinese interests abroad, though they will... MORE

Captive Nations Week Marked for First Time in Ukraine

When the United States Congress passed a resolution in 1959 requiring the president to issue a proclamation on Captive Nations Week every July, this measure was viewed both by its authors and those opposed to it as directed against the repression of nations by communist... MORE