Publication: Monitor Volume: 3 Issue: 82

It depends on President Boris Yeltsin to "prevent what history will subsequently call the annexation of Belarus by Russia," the Belarusan democratic opposition said yesterday in an appeal to the Russian president. The statement expressed regret that the Russian government alone "has openly displayed solidarity with the unlawful Belarusan leadership and supported the anticonstitutional Lukashenko regime…Its repressive policy against democrats is being supported by official Moscow." In related statements, moderate and radical opposition leaders alike expressed concern that Russian support for the Lukashenko regime is generating long-term anti-Russian sentiment in the country. Also yesterday, the Prosecutor General’s Office issued an official warning directed at the few remaining, beleaguered democratic newspapers: Belaruskaya gazeta, Delovaya gazeta, and Svaboda. (Interfax, April 24) Previous Menu Main Menu

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