Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 45

Under a decree reportedby Ukrainian media July 4, President Leonid Kuchma has appointedRoman Shpek, Anatol Kinakh, Petro Sabluk, Vasyl Durdinets, andIvan Kuras as deputy prime ministers responsible for the economy, industry, agriculture, security and emergency affairs, and humanitarianissues respectively. Shpek, Kinakh, and Durdinets are new to deputy prime-ministerial rank. Shpek, a leading promoter of reforms,had been economics minister, Kinakh had been presidential representativein Nikolayev oblast, and Durdinets had been deputy interior minister.Durdinets was also named head of the Committee to Combat Crimeand Corruption under the president. Vasyl Hureev, hitherto Shpek’s deputy, is the new economics minister, and Serhii Osyka, upto now deputy prime minister, will head a new, amalgamated Ministryof Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. Other presidentialappointments include that of Volodimir Radchenko as head of theSecurity Service. Defense minister Valery Shmarov is no longera deputy prime minister.

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