Unmasking Terror Volume II: A Global Review of Terrorist Activities

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Praise for Unmasking Terror and Jamestown’s Terrorism Monitor
"The Jamestown Foundation has been at the forefront of serious reporting and analysis of the current terrorist threat. Readers will find Unmasking Terror filled with insights that enhance their understanding of terrorism."
— Dr. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University and author of Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics
"Jamestown is a leader in providing critical information on terrorism to government officials and the American public."
— Frank Keating Governor, Oklahoma, 1995-2003
"The Jamestown Foundation clarifies trends and puts new attacks in context. Anyone seriously interested in terrorism must read Unmasking Terror."
— Dr. Marc Sageman Former CIA case officer and author of Understanding Terror Networks
From the preface by Michael Scheuer:
"Unmasking Terror provides U.S. policymakers with a generous selection of reliable analyses and unique interviews. Equally important, it gives them a feel for the immense geographical breadth of the terrorist phenomenon."
— Michael Scheuer is a author of Imperial Hubris:Why the West is Losing the War on Terror
Unmasking Terror Volume II, brings together over 50 experts on terrorism, intelligence and security, providing unique information and objective analysis on recent developments within global terrorist groups. The book seeks to understand the motivations of militant Islamists and exposes the underlying logic of terrorism, providing readers with insight and understanding into the complexities of international terrorism and jihad. The book is designed to serve as a desktop reference for private sector experts, policymakers and intelligence officials, and anyone seeking a greater understanding of the many challenges of combating terrorism.
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