Latest Briefs
Saudi Arabia Interdicts Large Quantities of Weapons at its Borders
According to a November 6 report in al-Sharq al-Awsat, Saudi authorities have recently made sizable seizures of large quantities of weapons and explosives at the kingdom's borders, including its border with Iraq. The report by the Interior Ministry's Border Guard Directorate-General details seizures made only... MORE
British Terrorist Dhiren Barot’s Research on Radiological Weapons
After returning from his militant adventures in Kashmir, recently sentenced British terrorist Dhiren Barot recounted his experiences in the book The Army of Madinah in Kashmir. Writing under his alias 'Esa al-Hindi, he lashed out against Western powers' interventions in Muslim lands, advising that "in... MORE
Japan Vulnerable to Attacks from Jemaah Islamiya
Japan's immediate security concern is the threat posed by North Korea, which conducted a nuclear test on October 9. Yet, the country has been singled out by al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden as an enemy, has had diplomats and aid workers killed by Iraqi insurgents... MORE
Suspects Arrested in Yemen for Supporting Somali Islamists
Confusion continues to surround the case of eight foreign nationals and 15 Yemenis arrested in Yemen in October in relation to an alleged al-Qaeda plot to smuggle small-arms to Islamists in Somalia. The accused include three Australians, a Dane, a Briton, a Somali and an... MORE
New Threat on Gulf Oil Puts Security Forces on Alert
Based on what United States and regional security sources described as credible intelligence of a possible maritime terrorist attack against Saudi and Bahraini coastal and offshore oil installations, radical Islamists in the Persian Gulf appear to be heeding al-Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri's call to target... MORE
Baath Party Distributes Hit List for Targeted Assassinations
In early September, the outlawed Baath party distributed a "hit list" of prominent Iraqi political, military and judicial leaders who were targeted for assassination (al-Watan, October 17). It resurfaced publicly this month and has been widely reported in the Iraqi press. The Baath party document... MORE
ATTACK LAUNCHED AGAINST TOP BAJAUR AGENCY MILITANTS Early Monday morning, the Pakistani army launched an air attack on a madrassa in Bajaur Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The attack, which destroyed a madrassa compound in the village of Chingai, killed an estimated 80... MORE
Saudi Television Comedy Satirizes Terrorism and Extremism
Throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds, the holy month of Ramadan has come to be known as the most popular television season. Each year, new and returning serials are eagerly awaited by millions of viewers. As a sign of the immense popularity of Ramadan broadcasting,... MORE
Al-Hakaima Positions Himself for Key Role in the Global Salafi-Jihad
As the media spotlight continues to highlight Muhammed Khalil al-Hakaima's "Myth of Delusion," it is important to emphasize that al-Hakaima has authored other detailed works dealing with tactical and operational issues related to intelligence and warfare that warrant closer examination. These documents have been circulating... MORE