Latest Briefs
Al-Zawahiri Addresses Reform in Muslim World
Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Egyptian national Ayman al-Zawahiri, appeared in a video-recording broadcast by al-Jazeera news network on January 6. What is striking in this statement is his discussion of reform and freedom in the Arab and Islamic worlds. In his latest statement, al-Zawahiri discusses reform and... MORE
Bajaur: Tribe and Custom Continue to Protect al-Qaeda
Early in the morning on January 12, suspected U.S. aircraft fired missiles at houses in the village of Damadola in the Bajaur Agency of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), killing 18 people. This was the first attack of its kind in this area (,... MORE
Al-Zarqawi’s Group Under Pressure and Seeking Allies
On January 15 al-Qaeda in Iraq announced that it had set up an umbrella body with five other militant groups in Iraq, called the Mujahideen Shura Council, to coordinate the fight against the U.S.-led forces and confront the "Crusaders and their Rafidi (Shi'ite) and secularist... MORE
Al-Qaeda Manhunt in Kenya
Kenya is widely remembered as the site of the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing that killed over 200 people and cast al-Qaeda into international prominence. The attack was followed by a 2002 suicide car bombing that targeted a hotel popular with Israelis near Mombassa and the... MORE
Declining in Algeria, GSPC Enters International Theater
Government authorities achieved a recent success in the battle against jihadists in Algeria, but the development comes at a time when the threat posed by the group may be more significant outside the country's borders. The Algerian daily Le Jeune Independant ( reported on January... MORE
Al-Qaeda Networks Uncovered in Morocco
Investigations into Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad bil-Maghrib (the Monotheism and Jihad group in Morocco) cells broken up by Moroccan security have revealed the inroads al-Qaeda has made into the region (see Terrorism Focus, Volume II, Issue 22). From the testimony of the arrested Belgian national Mohamed... MORE
An Online “University” for Jihad
In an interesting new development, the al-Qaeda network is making strides to present itself as a permanent cultural--as well as military--phenomenon. An October 7 posting on the al-Farouq jihadi forum ( by Ahmad al-Wathiq bi-Llah, the "deputy general emir" of the Global Islamic Media Front,... MORE
Mujahideen to Pledge Allegiance on the Web
On November 14, a posting on the al-Hesbah jihadi forum ( displayed a novel use of the Internet. Entitled the "Pledge of Death in God's Path," the posting by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) called for forum participants, on "Day One of the Great... MORE
The “Voice of the Caliphate” Looks Beyond Iraq
The latest Sawt al-Khilafa (Voice of the Caliphate) broadcast by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) was distributed on the forums on November 20, and again demonstrated the strategic value of the media for the mujahideen. With a new interview format, entitled "To Be Continued,"... MORE
Threat of Renewed Conflict in Indonesia
Indonesian counter-terrorism officials announced a conspicuous success on November 9 with the cornering and subsequent suicide in East Java of Azahari Husin, the top militant and fugitive suspected of involvement in the 2002 and 2005 Bali explosions and the 2004 bombing of the Australian embassy... MORE