Latest Briefs

Syria Pressures Its Jihadists

Despite criticism from Washington, Syria appears to be increasing pressure on Islamist militants attempting to cross its borders into Iraq, as evidenced by a series of recent clashes. In early September, Syrian security services made in-roads against reputed Tanzim Jund al-Sham cells ("Organization of the... MORE

Al-Qaeda MPs in Kuwait?

Speaking on the U.S.-funded Arab language TV station al-Hurra, the former head of the Kuwaiti security services, Mashaal Jarrah, discussed the infiltration of two al-Qaeda members into the Kuwait parliament, without specifying whether these were current or former legislators. The revelations detailed in the Kuwait... MORE

Nationwide Bombing Campaign in Bangladesh

A dramatic, and particularly lethal, demonstration of intent has been staged in Bangladesh by the banned Jama'at ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) group. On August 17 a coordinated series of bomb attacks, affecting 58 of the country's 64 districts, left two fatalities and upwards of 100 injuries.... MORE

A snapshot of the intelligence cyber-war

As the Internet begins to take center stage as the new focus of the battleground of terrorism, the position of the jihadi forums has been the subject of speculation. Some analysts have pointed to the wave of Internet site closures following the July 7 attacks... MORE

Jordanian terrorist cells rounded up

An August 4 report by the Jordanian daily al-Dustour described how intelligence services had arrested a total of 17 terrorists associated with two organizations: the ‘Organization of al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers (the group led by Jordanian national Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi) and... MORE

New Syrian Jihadi magazine hits the Internet

The first edition of a new Syrian jihadi magazine, entitled Majallat Minbar Surya al-Islami (The Magazine of the Islamic Pulpit of Syria) made its appearance on July 14, produced by the online publishers Minbar Suriya al-Islami, and distributed on their website []. The 22-page text... MORE

Jihadist Propaganda Brigade in need of information

On June 25, a posting appeared on the jihadi internet forum al-Qal'a [] calling for resources and assistance in the propaganda efforts. Their list of required information gives insight unto how they intend to proceed in the information war. The text of the original posting... MORE

New Brigade for ‘Iraqi’ Suicide Bombers

Al-Zarqawi's group Qaedat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn issued a statement on June 20 declaring that it had formed a sub-branch of the Al-Bara bin Malek Brigade dedicated to suicide operations. The audio posting by the head of the new group Abu Dujana al-Ansari, indicated that... MORE

Al-Qaeda Cell in Libya Threatens Attacks

An al-Qaeda cell in Libya has threatened an imminent attack on the Libyan city of Darna if their imprisoned leaders are not released. The statement was published by the pan-Arab daily Al-Quds al-Arabi, from a posting on the Internet. The May 30 posting, addressed to... MORE

Zarqawi-Linked Groups Enter Kenya

Security authorities in Kenya are on high alert following information that members of two Islamist militant groups, al-Ittihad al-Islamiyya and al-Takfir wal-Hijra, may have already entered the country. According to a report in the Kenyan East African Standard [], both organizations are linked with Abu... MORE