Latest Briefs
Jihadist Propaganda Brigade in need of information
On June 25, a posting appeared on the jihadi internet forum al-Qal'a [] calling for resources and assistance in the propaganda efforts. Their list of required information gives insight unto how they intend to proceed in the information war. The text of the original posting... MORE
New Brigade for ‘Iraqi’ Suicide Bombers
Al-Zarqawi's group Qaedat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn issued a statement on June 20 declaring that it had formed a sub-branch of the Al-Bara bin Malek Brigade dedicated to suicide operations. The audio posting by the head of the new group Abu Dujana al-Ansari, indicated that... MORE
Al-Qaeda Cell in Libya Threatens Attacks
An al-Qaeda cell in Libya has threatened an imminent attack on the Libyan city of Darna if their imprisoned leaders are not released. The statement was published by the pan-Arab daily Al-Quds al-Arabi, from a posting on the Internet. The May 30 posting, addressed to... MORE
Zarqawi-Linked Groups Enter Kenya
Security authorities in Kenya are on high alert following information that members of two Islamist militant groups, al-Ittihad al-Islamiyya and al-Takfir wal-Hijra, may have already entered the country. According to a report in the Kenyan East African Standard [], both organizations are linked with Abu... MORE
Al-Qaeda Documents Uncovered in Thai Islamic School
Evidence that the Muslim troubles in the south of Thailand may expand into a jihadist struggle were illustrated by the May 19 raid on an Islamic school at Ban Taloh Kapo village in the Ya Rang district of Pattani province. According to a report in... MORE
Influx of Cambodian Muslims into Thailand
Thai authorities have become suspicious of an unusually large swell of Cambodian Muslims entering the country and heading for its southern provinces. According to the Thai News Agency, more than a hundred Cambodian Muslims a day have recently crossed the border into the country, a... MORE
New Threats Face Westerners in Indonesia
Indonesian security authorities on May 17 issued a number of alerts about possible bombings mounted by suicide attackers against Westerners in the capital Jakarta. The list of potential targets included shopping malls, office buildings, international schools and embassy buildings as places likely to attract jihadist... MORE
Qatar and the Al-Qaeda deal
Some light was recently cast on some curious comments voiced at the time of the bombing of a theatre in Doha on March 19, reported in Terrorism Focus (Volume 2, Issue 7). The online Arabic language Elaph newspaper quoted the Qatari foreign minister, Sheikh Hamad... MORE
Mauritania and the GSPC spectre
Recent developments in Mauritania, including an alleged crackdown on Islamist GSPC linked rebels, are neither encouraging for the United States in the war on terror nor, as is claimed, an indicator of future political stability in that country. On April 28 the government at Nouakchott... MORE
Bangladesh still in denial of terrorism scourge
An extra irritation to the Bangladeshi government, anxious to play down the level of Islamist militancy in the country, appeared with the publication on April 30 of the U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Terrorism (earlier known as ‘Patterns of Global Terrorism'). On page... MORE