Latest Briefs

Libyan Islamists under Pressure

On February 24 the jihadist al-Qal'ah forum ( ran a brief note on breaking events in Libya. Under the rubric: "Your brothers in Libya need your prayers," a contributor to the forum explained that: "For a week now, right up to the present hour, a... MORE

Evidence of Jemaah Islamiyah Expansion in the Philippines

Philippine intelligence searching for suspects for the February 14 bomb attacks in Makati, Davao and General Santos - detailed in the last edition of Terrorism Focus - claim to have been swamped with raw information on plots to bomb shopping malls and transport systems. They... MORE

Iraqi Propaganda War Begins in Earnest

Taking a leaf out of the Idarat al-Tawahhush, "The Management of Barbarism," (see "New Book Lays Out al-Qaeda's Military Strategy" in this issue) and the need to understand ‘the rules of the game' — particularly the need to sidestep traditional media channels to send the... MORE

Clashes in Saudi Arabia

U.S. warnings a week ago of an increased threat of attack to its residents in Jeddah were borne out on March 14 with news of a clash between Saudi security forces and suspected Islamist militants. As forces raided a residential building housing a wanted Islamist... MORE

The Oman Islamist Enigma

Some extra light was cast upon the obscure events of last January in the Gulf state of Oman (reported in Terrorism Focus Vol II, Iss 3) when a group of ‘Islamists' were picked up. On April 18 the trial began of a total of 31... MORE

New online magazine indicates growing jihadi movement in Syria

Syria's pivotal position, geographically and politically, between developments in Lebanon and Iraq has made it a major new focus for Western policy in the Middle East. One of the several factors casting the spotlight on Damascus is its ambiguous relationship towards Islamist militants operating in... MORE

Continuing JI concerns in Singapore

On April 22 the Singaporean Ministry of Home Affairs announced it had arrested and detained for two years a member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) under the Internal Security Act. According to the Singapore daily the Straits Times, The detainee, Jahpar bin Osman had trained in... MORE

The Voice of the Caucasus – A new Jihadi magazine

In addition to the unexpected re-appearance of Sawt al-Jihad, just released on the internet is another new magazine, aimed at those the Arab mujahideen fighting in the Caucasus, or sympathizers following the events in the region, entitled Sawt al-Qoqaz (The Voice of the Caucasus). Modeled... MORE

More attacks due in Indonesia

A flurry of interest was expressed at the beginning of the month in the contents of a 7-page letter, apparently from a Sumatra-based operative of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamyiah (JI), detailing the training of militants for suicide bombings in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. If authentic,... MORE