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--EX-JUDGE SAYS INGUSHETIA ATTACKS STEM FROM FSB DEPREDATIONS Boris Ozdoyev, the retired Ingush judge whose son Rashid was apparently kidnapped by the FSB after he tried to warn his colleagues in the Ingush procuracy and higher officials in Moscow of federal atrocities against civilians in... MORE


--SOME INGUSHETIA RAIDERS HAD GRU DOCUMENTS According to the brother of an FSB officer slain in the late-June raid on Ingushetia, at least some of the guerrilla raiders were equipped with identification documents from the GRU, the federal military-intelligence agency, reported on July 2.... MORE


--INGUSHETIAN AUTHORITIES FORCING OUT CHECHEN REFUGEES A July 5 report on the Caucasian Knot website provided further evidence that the federal and Ingushetian authorities are successfully exploiting last month's guerilla raid as a justification for intensifying pressures on Chechen refugees to return home from Ingushetia.... MORE


--OSCE WILL NOT MONITOR CHECHEN ELECTION The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has decided not to send official observers to monitor the August 29 election. In a July 15 interview with RIA Novosti, the head of the OSCE's bureau for democracy and human... MORE


--DAGESTANI POLICE REMAIN IN THE CROSSHAIRS A bridge over the Aktash River in Dagestan's Khasavyurtovsky district was partially blown up by unknown perpetrators on March 29, Itar-Tass reported. Police officials told the news agency that no one was hurt in the incident. On March 28,... MORE


--MORE SHOOTOUTS IN DAGESTAN The interior ministries of Dagestan and Chechnya carried out a joint special operation in the Dagestani city of Khasavyurt on April 5, during which two rebels and a three-year-old child were killed. Colonel Aitemir Salimgireyev, head of the Interior Ministry's Khasavyurt... MORE


--RUSSIAN-CHECHEN TREATY TO BE SIGNED IN JUNE? Chechen President Alu Alkhanov said on April 14 that the treaty on delimitation of powers between the federal center and Chechnya will be signed in June. Details about the treaty remain sketchy: Novye izvestia on April 15 quoted... MORE


--RAMZAN SAYS HE KNOWS WHO KILLED HIS FATHER Chechen First Deputy Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov claimed on April 27 that the identities of both those who ordered and those who carried out the bombing which killed his father, the late Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, last... MORE


--SERVICEMEN GO ON TRIAL AGAIN FOR WAR CRIMES On May 3, the North Caucasus District Military Court began hearing the case of two Interior Ministry internal troops officers accused murdering Chechen civilians. Rossiiskaya gazeta reported on May 4 that Yevgeny Khudyakov and Sergei Arakcheyev were... MORE


--DAGESTAN VIOLENCE UNABATED A bomb apparently detonated by remote control blew up a police car in central Makhachkala on May 10, killing one police officer in the car and wounding a boy and a girl who were walking by, the Associated Press reported, quoting a... MORE