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--TOP REBELS KILLED IN DAGESTAN Security forces in Dagestan killed two prominent Islamic militants and detained two others in a special operation against rebels at a dormitory on the outskirts of Khasavyurt, the Associated Press reported on October 19. One police officer was killed and... MORE


--EIGHT PARTIES REGISTERED FOR CHECHEN ELECTIONS The Chechen parliamentary campaign got underway on October 22, with eight political parties having registered candidates for the November 27 election. As the Moscow Times reported on October 24, the pro-Kremlin United Russia party placed three confidants of Chechen... MORE


--FSB OFFICER ASSASSINATED IN INGUSHETIA An FSB officer, Adam Gorzhkhanov, was shot to death on November 4 as he was driving on the Nazran-Karabulak highway in Ingushetia. reported that Gorzhkhanov's car was fired on with automatic weapons from another vehicle that had overtaken it.... MORE


--FEDERAL TROOPS KILLED IN CHECHNYA An improvised explosive device killed an Interior Ministry serviceman who was on patrol in Grozny's Staropromyslovsky district, a Chechen law enforcement source told Interfax on November 3. The source also reported that a rebel fighter had been captured in a... MORE


--BOMBINGS AND SHOOTOUT IN INGUSHETIA A suspected Islamic militant was wounded in a shootout with police on November 15 in Nazran, Ingushetia, reported. An Interior Minister spokesman, Roman Shchekotin, said that the suspect, Isa Ozdoev, started firing on police as they tried to arrest... MORE


--TEN RUSSIAN SOLDIERS KILLED IN CHECHNYA Agence France-Presse, citing an anonymous government official, reported on November 22 that six soldiers had been killed and five wounded in 18 attacks on Russian positions by Chechens separatists over a 24-hour period. In a separate incident, three soldiers... MORE


--WANTED REBEL GUNMEN REPORTEDLY DETAINED Itar-Tass reported on November 24 that two gunmen involved in the attack on Grozny on August 21, 2004, which resulted in the death of more than 60 law enforcers, had been detained in Chechnya. Citing the federal Interior Ministry's Main... MORE


--MASKHADOV ASSOCIATES SENTENCED Chechnya's Supreme Court sentenced four associates of the late Chechen separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov to prison sentences ranging from five-and-a-half to 15 years, Interfax reported on December 1. Vakhid Murdashev, who was captured on March 8, 2005 in the village of Tolstoi-Yurt,... MORE


--STRASBOURG COURT HEARS FIRST CHECHEN DISAPPEARANCE CASE The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on December 8 heard its first case involving an alleged disappearance in Chechnya, MosNews reported on December 9, citing the Associated Press. Fatima Bazorkina, who accused Russian forces of killing... MORE


--FEDERAL TROOPS AND LOCAL POLICE KILLED IN CHECHNYA Two federal troops were killed in Chechnya when a checkpoint on the outskirts of the village of Kurchaloi came under fire, a source in the republic's Interior Ministry told RIA Novosti on January 3. Two members of... MORE