Watch the Videos: Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy, a Joint Jamestown–Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum Event

About the Event
The imperialist Russian polity under Vladimir Putin is a source of conflict worldwide, from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus to the Middle East and Western Balkans. The Russian “Federation” is a federation in name only and, at its heart, is a colonial empire. Moscow is a key partner of the People’s Republic of China, a vital enabler of Iran and its terrorist proxies, and a long-standing partner of North Korea. The Kremlin is encouraging a new “Axis of Disruption” (Moscow–Beijing–Tehran–Pyongyang) of authoritarian and totalitarian dictatorships with the shared vision to undermine the global order, discredit international law, weaken the effectiveness of institutions in independent states, and destroy Western unity in defending freedom and human rights.
Russia’s war against Ukraine has exacerbated the deep-rooted problems of the Russian state and society. As the war rages on, the potential for Russia’s political, economic, and social collapse continues to grow and cannot be discounted. The impact of Russia’s rupture would reverberate globally, as did the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russia’s decolonization and de-imperialization could be gradual or rapid, similar to how other empires have collapsed in the past. With informed foresight, the process of disintegration can be managed to stabilize commodity markets, mitigate the human consequences of political or state collapse, limit the possibility of violence, and initiate denuclearization.
The conference “Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy,” jointly organized by The Jamestown Foundation and the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum (FNPF), examined the possibility of Russia’s rupture and gathered educated perspectives on what scenarios might arise.
Speakers included Peter Mattis, Amb. (ret.) John Herbst, Amb. (ret.) William Taylor, Amb. (ret.) William Courtney, Janusz Bugajski, Luke Coffey, Paul Goble, Fatima Tils, Anders Aslund, Brian Glyn Williams; representatives of national liberation and anti-colonial movements of captive nations and regions currently occupied by Moscow: Batyr Boromangnaev, Inal Sherip, Marina Khankhalaeva, Shamil Albakov, Rustam Vasilev, Nikita Andreev, Vitaly Ginzburg, Artem Medvedev, Viacheslav Afanasev, and foreign affairs and geopolitics experts from Europe and Japan: Gianni Vernetti, Sergej Sumlenny, Juraj Mesík, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, and others.
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