Latest Media Appearances
Jamestown President Glen E. Howard Quoted by The New York Times
Jamestown President Glen E. Howard was quoted by The New York Times in an article titled "Chechen Refugee Questioned in F.B.I.'s Inquiry of Bombing."
Jacob Zenn interviewed by Voice of America
Jacob Zenn was interviewed by Voice of America about Boko Haram and security in northeastern Nigeria.
Alex Vatanka quoted by Perfil
Alex Vatanka was quoted by Argentine newspaper Perfil in an article titled "Why Iran is holding the agreement by the AMIA"
Stephen Blank quoted by The Economic Times
Jamestown analyst Stephen Blank was quoted by The Economic Times in an article titled "India does not retaliate against Pakistan due to nuclear weapons"
Jamestown President Glen Howard Interviewed by Fox News
Jamestown Foundation President Glen E. Howard was interviewed on Fox News on May 6 about questions surrounding Tamerlan Tsarnaev's last visit to Dagestan.
Jamestown Analyst Brian Glyn Williams Is Interviewed by the Atlantic
The Atlantic interviewed on April 26 Jamestown analyst Brian Glyn Williams about Chechens' attitudes toward the West.
Peter Mattis cited by Niti Central
An article by China Brief Editor Peter Mattis, Out with the New, In with the old: Interpreting China's 'New Type of International Relations,' was cited by Niti Central in China's dream is India's nightmare.
Jamestown analyst Nicholas A. Heras appeared on al-Jazeera
Jamestown analyst Nicholas A. Heras appeared as a guest commentator on the April 27 edition of the al-Jazeera show "Inside Syria."
Jacob Zenn quoted by Washington Times
Jacob Zenn was quoted by Washington Times in an article about Boko Haram and AQIM.
Op-Ed by Jamestown President Glen Howard Published in the Wall Street Journal
On Wednesday, April 24, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Jamestown Foundation President Glen Howard entitled, "The Terrorist's Sojourn in a Most Dangerous Place." The article argues that Dagestan, where one of the accused Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev allegedly visited for seven... MORE