Latest China Brief Articles

Labor Contract Law Strengthens Chinese Union

On January 1, 2008, the Chinese government added another major component, the Labor Contract Law, to its already substantial canon of labor legislation. Since the promulgation of the Trade Union Law in 1992 and Labor Law in 1994, the government has regularly introduced new legislation... MORE

Taiwan Elections: Stability at the Expense of Democratization

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) stunning defeat in Taiwan’s parliamentary polls last weekend is expected to lower tension in the Taiwan Straits and speed up economic integration between the mainland and the self-ruled island. The DPP’s Waterloo may help convince President Chen Shui-bian and... MORE

China’s Looming Financial Reform Challenges

China’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 increased foreign participation in and advanced the reform of China’s financial sector, but critical issues, not covered by the terms of accession, are still outstanding. For example, how and how fast should China liberalize... MORE

China’s Looming Financial Reform Challenges

China’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 increased foreign participation in and advanced the reform of China’s financial sector, but critical issues, not covered by the terms of accession, are still outstanding. For example, how and how fast should China liberalize... MORE

Iran’s Nuclear Act and U.S.-China Relations: The View from Beijing

Tehran is again on the agenda of the U.S-China security relationship since the release of the recent National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), which concluded that Iran had “halted,” among other things, engaging in the development of nuclear weapons since 2003. President George W. Bush and Secretary... MORE