Latest China Brief Articles

Malaysia’s Hedging Strategy with China

The relationship between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is, by mutual consent, the best it has ever been. On the economic front, two-way trade is expanding by 20-25 percent per year, and Malaysia looks set to cash in on China’s growing appetite... MORE

Malaysia’s Hedging Strategy with China

The relationship between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is, by mutual consent, the best it has ever been. On the economic front, two-way trade is expanding by 20-25 percent per year, and Malaysia looks set to cash in on China’s growing appetite... MORE

China’s Growing Energy Relations with the Middle East

It is no secret that even as China is attempting to diversify its foreign sources of energy, the Middle East remains a key supplier of the oil and gas that China depends upon to sustain its continuous economic growth. Numerous energy producing states in the... MORE

China’s Growing Energy Relations with the Middle East

It is no secret that even as China is attempting to diversify its foreign sources of energy, the Middle East remains a key supplier of the oil and gas that China depends upon to sustain its continuous economic growth. Numerous energy producing states in the... MORE

Healthcare Reform in China: Design by Committee

Since the disassembly of its comprehensive pre-1979 healthcare system, China has sought to shape and reshape the national healthcare system in an attempt to keep pace with rapid social and economic reforms. While reforms have been ongoing for over 10 years, an overhaul of the... MORE

Healthcare Reform in China: Design by Committee

Since the disassembly of its comprehensive pre-1979 healthcare system, China has sought to shape and reshape the national healthcare system in an attempt to keep pace with rapid social and economic reforms. While reforms have been ongoing for over 10 years, an overhaul of the... MORE

Differing Over Carriers & Rethinking Embargoes

PLA FLAG OFFICERS DIFFER ON CHINA’S AIRCRAFT CARRIER DEVELOPMENT At the recent Fifth Session of the 10th National People’s Congress held in Beijing, an admiral from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) delegation claimed, off-the-record, that China has already begun the research and development (R&D) of... MORE

Differing Over Carriers & Rethinking Embargoes

PLA FLAG OFFICERS DIFFER ON CHINA’S AIRCRAFT CARRIER DEVELOPMENT At the recent Fifth Session of the 10th National People’s Congress held in Beijing, an admiral from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) delegation claimed, off-the-record, that China has already begun the research and development (R&D) of... MORE