Latest China Brief Articles

In A Fortnight

--BEIJING SPONSORS HUMAN RIGHTS EXHIBITION China kicked off a 10-day human rights exhibition last Friday, November 17 in Beijing. The display of more than 700 pictures, 250 legal documents, 330 books and 24 diagrams on human rights was meant to exhibit “China’s efforts to promote... MORE

Beijing’s Strategy of Sea Denial

In October 1994, the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk was operating with its battle group in the Yellow Sea when it detected an underwater contact. Battle group aircraft began tracking the contact, which turned out to be a Chinese Han-class nuclear powered attack submarine (SSN)... MORE

China-ASEAN Summit: Beijing’s Charm Offensive Continues

On October 30, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) held a Commemorative Summit in the southern Chinese city of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The summit, attended by all ten ASEAN leaders and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao,... MORE

New Developments in the PLA’s Operational Doctrine

In late 1997, China’s military planners raised, for the first time, the issue of “leapfrogging development” for its military modernization. At the time, the modernization of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had been largely focused on mechanization—the acquisition of more advanced operational platforms. The concept... MORE

In A Fortnight

BEIJING WRAPS UP FORUM ON CHINA-AFRICA COOPERATION WITH PLEDGES OF AID AND COOPERATION The two-day Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) concluded with additional pledges of support from China in the form of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, loans and lucrative contracts. Among... MORE

China in Angola: An Emerging Energy Partnership

Despite the impressive economic ties between China and Angola in recent years, their historical relations have suffered periods of strain and volatility. During Angola’s struggle against Portuguese colonial rule, China provided training and assistance to UNITA, one of the three rival national liberation movements in... MORE

Defense Reform and Civilian Control in Taiwan

Acquiring high-tech weapons systems and enlisting U.S. support have been Taiwan’s primary attempts to counter the growing Chinese military threat across the Taiwan Strait. In recent years, however, it has become increasingly clear that some of the most pressing challenges facing Taiwan’s armed forces have... MORE

The Sino-Russian Arms Dilemma

For over a decade, Russian military exports to China have constituted the most important dimension of the two countries’ security relationship. Since the two governments signed an agreement on military-technical cooperation in December 1992, China has purchased more weapons platforms and hardware-related items from Russia... MORE

In A Fortnight

SINO-AFRICAN RELATIONS HAILED AS SUMMIT NEARS With the highly anticipated Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) fast approaching, China has been busily preparing for the largest meeting of African and Chinese leaders in nearly 50 years. Around 30 African heads-of-state are expected... MORE