In a Fortnight
Who’s Hu’s Successor?
The Hong Kong based newspaper Ming Pao learned from sources in Beijing that Xi Jinping—who was only recently elevated by President Hu Jintao to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee—may be... MORE
“Honeymoon” for Sino-Japanese Defense Relations
On February 26, Admiral Takashi Saito, chief of the Joint Staff Office of Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF), started a four-day visit to China at the invitation of Chen Binde, chief of general staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Saito's trip marks the highest-ranking visit... MORE
Big Ministries System and Deputies Get Nod at Second Plenum
With the veils closed on February 27, the three-day session of the Second Plenum for the 17th National Congress that started on February 25 confirms for China watchers three things: Xi Jinping will replace Zeng Qinhong to become vice-president; Li Keqiang, a one-time favorite to... MORE
Taiwan Lands on the Spratlys
On January 21, the Taiwan-based newspaper United Daily News reported that a C-130 transport aircraft in the Taiwan (ROC) Air Force conducted a one-day mission to the Spratly Islets, whose sovereignty is contested by Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, China, Malaysia and the Philippines (United Daily News... MORE
China’s Expanding Naval Presence Troubles Neighbors
In an interview with Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, Taiwan’s Vice-Minister for Defense Ko Chen-heng reportedly stated that Chinese warships have stepped up naval activities along the “first island chain” (diyidaolian) with five to six recorded incursions in the past two years (China Times, January 24;... MORE
Hong Kong Newspaper Features Exclusive Preview of 2008 White Paper on China’s Foreign Policy
On January 12, the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Pao carried an exclusive article covering a portion of the 2008 China White Paper on Foreign Policy, which will be released in mid-2008. The article was reportedly approved by the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Department... MORE
China and Singapore Sign First Defense and Security Agreement
On January 7, the Singaporean Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) announced that Permanent Secretary of Defense Chiang Chie Foo and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Deputy Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotian signed the first bilateral agreement for defense exchanges and security cooperation between the countries.... MORE
China Plans Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) Within Taiwan Straits
On December 4, 2007, during a meeting with a visiting U.S. delegation headed by U.S. Representative Eni Faleomavaega (D-AS), chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, The Pacific, and the Global Environment in the U.S. House of Representatives, Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian asserted that China was... MORE
Is the PLA Navy Making Plans for a Three Carrier Battle Group?
On December 31, the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Pao cited a report that no one in the western media has detected concerning a Jane's Defence Weekly article which reported that China has plans to develop three-carrier battle groups (CBVG) over the next decade. News... MORE
China Exerts Administrative Control Over Disputed South China Sea Islets
The China State Council’s decision to expand administrative control over two islets in the South China Sea has reignited a long-standing dispute with Vietnam over sovereignty in the South China Sea. Citing Hong Kong media sources, the China Times reported that the China State Council... MORE