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Two US companies, the Leucadia National Corporation and MK Gold, are set to develop Kyrgyzstan's Jerui gold field in a joint venture with that country's government. The lucrative field, whose proven gold reserves are 71 tons, is to be mined in open casting. Meanwhile Canada's... MORE
. Konstantin Zatulin, chairman of the Russian Duma's CIS Affairs Committee, warns against "leaving Tajikistan just as disgracefully as we ditched our allies in Afghanistan;" and credits Iran for helping Russia in Tajikistan. Just back from Tehran from his second visit there this year, Zatulin... MORE
. On the opening day of Latvia's new parliament yesterday, President Guntis Ulmanis designated Maris Grinblats, leader of the Fatherland and Freedom Party and of the National Bloc (NB) alliance of rightist and right-of-center parties, to form a new government. But the National Conciliation (NC)... MORE
Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has begun reviewing draft legislation that would establish legal mechanisms to regulate the country's space program. This draft law, critical if Ukraine is to develop a profit-making space industry, originated in the National Space Agency. (7) The program presently revolves around... MORE
The Russian Space Agency and the British Sedgwick Aviation Ltd., a world leading insurance broker, have signed an agreement on consultations and broker operations in the insurance of space risks in Russia, the Space Agency's Deputy General Director Yuri Milov told Interfax on November 3.... MORE
Siemens AG, a world leader in production of electronic equipment, the Bavarian Bayernwerk AG energy company and the Russian Atomic Energy Ministry have announced a program to build a nuclear reactor of the new generation - VVER-640. Operation of such reactors is projected to begin... MORE
President Boris Yeltsin has replaced acting Russian central bank governor Tatyana Paramonova with one of her deputies, Alexander Khandruyev, the President's press office said in a statement. Russia/Inflation.
The real inflation rate in Russia from January to September 1995 totaled 321 percent, compared with the same period last year, according to Nikolai Lagutin, the recently-sacked head of the Economics Ministry Department for Analysis and Prognoses of Money Income of the Population, in a... MORE
Nikolai Savalev, a Communist Party economic expert, offered a sneak preview of what the party might seek to do if it is successful in the December 17 parliamentary elections. "The basic branches of industry--food production, oil and gas, metallurgy and petrochemicals--must, of course, be part... MORE
Two rival demonstrations took place yesterday in Kiev. As approximately 5,000 communists listened to speeches denouncing President Leonid Kuchma's market reforms, national-democrats led by their most prominent figure, Vyacheslav Chornovil held a "gathering of mourning" for the millions of victims of Soviet oppression. In Crimea's... MORE