Latest North Caucasus Weekly Articles

Additional Buildup of Military Forces in Dagestan Proceeds with Caution

On November 14, Russian Deputy Interior Minister, Nikolai Rogozhkin, who is commander of the ministry’s internal troops, announced the first native Dagestani military detachment formation. The new unit is comprised of 300 people and eventually will grow to 700 servicemen. Rogozhkin concisely expressed Moscow’s hopes:... MORE

Dagestani Leadership Unable to Control Situation in Republic

Rebels from the Makhachkala sector of Dagestan’s Shariat Jamaat belatedly marked Russian Police Day, November 10, with a major attack in the republic’s capital, Makhachkala. The attack, which took place in downtown Makhachkala the following day, November 11, turned out to be one of the... MORE

Violence in Dagestan Shows No Sign of Letting Up

Violence continued in Dagestan over the last several days, following the militant attacks in the republican capital of Makhachkala on November 11, in which eleven people – seven policemen and four militants – were killed.Unidentified attackers fired grenade launchers early today (November 19) at a... MORE

Kremlin Plan for Resettling Unemployed Ingush in Sverdlovsk Falters

Ingush settlers who come to Russia’s Sverdlovsk region, located in the Ural mountains, in search of work have found little employment and government support. “From the very beginning, this widely advertised [Ingush resettlement] program was doomed to failure,” the former representative of Ingushetia in Sverdlovsk... MORE

Militants Target Dagestani Law Enforcement Personnel in Republic Capital

Unidentified attackers shot up the home of a policeman in the village of Sergokala in Dagestan’s Sergokalinsky district late yesterday (November 11). The gunmen fired automatic weapons but no one was hurt in the incident, which capped a particularly violent day in Dagestan, with eleven... MORE