Latest North Caucasus Weekly Articles
Human Rights Group Speaks Out On Kidnappings
Some of the most suggestive findings and reflections yet published on the phenomenon of kidnapping in Chechnya can be found in a long interview given by Oleg Orlov of the Russian human rights center Memorial to Andrei Riskin of Nezavisimaya gazeta. The full text is... MORE
Questions Swirl About Yandarbiev Assassination
Russia's efforts to increase its bargaining power in a dispute with Qatar over two Russian intelligence officers imprisoned in the Persian Gulf Sheikhdom seem to have turned into a clumsy farce. On February 28, Russian police arrested two Olympic athletes from Qatar at Moscow's Sheremetevo... MORE
Europe Remembers
The sixtieth anniversary of the deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people on February 23 was widely commemorated and discussed in Europe. Thousands of people in Warsaw, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, in Italy and France, and in Riga expressed their support for the Chechens. They tried... MORE
Pressure Intensifies To Close Ingush Refugee Camps
As of March 1, the federal and Ingush authorities had not fully succeeded in their campaign to close all the refugee camps in Ingushetia by that date. But they were getting closer. An official of the Kadyrov administration told Interfax on March 1 that the... MORE
Prime Minister’s Non-return Is Confirmed
Akhmad Kadyrov for the first time confirmed publicly on February 16 what many Chechnya-watchers already had considered obvious: Anatoly Popov will not be returning to his post as the Kadyrov administration's prime minister. According to a February 17 article on the Gazeta.ru website, Kadyrov revealed... MORE
U.s. Media Reports On Chechen Fighters Discounted
Muradov also spoke skeptically of reports in some American media last week that as many as 2,000 separatist guerrillas might leave Chechnya in the near future to fight U.S. forces in Iraq. The only fighters who might possibly leave Chechnya to wage war elsewhere, he... MORE
Pressures Increase On Refugees In Ingushetia
Russian and Ingush authorities have become increasingly brazen this month in using utilities cut-offs to pressure refugees in Ingushetia to return to Chechnya. On February 20 the UN High Commissioner for Refugees issued a statement protesting the elimination of gas supplies for ten refugee settlements.... MORE
Kadyrov Forces Implicated In Kidnappings
The masked gunmen who conduct state sanctioned kidnappings in Chechnya often arrive in armored vehicles; this has been considered to be proof that they are federal servicemen. But according to an article in last week's Moskovskie novosti, the members of Akhmad Kadyrov's private army who... MORE
Little “normalization” Evident In Grozny
Naidenov also brought back from Grozny some revealing comments on the degree of "normalization" in that city. The city's streets are still deserted after dark, except for the brand new vehicles, with no license plates or other identifying marks, that roam freely. When people see... MORE
Deportation Anniversary Highlights Russian Callousness
This week marked the 60th anniversary of the Chechen people's deportation to Kazakhstan--one of the most atrocious acts of one of history's most atrocious governments. Even if the two Chechen wars of the last decade had not taken place, the events of February 1944 would... MORE