Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

The Ringleaders of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Wahhabi Movement
Recent incidents in two Bosnian cities between Bosnian Muslims and a group of radical Islamists illustrate just how deep their mutual animosity runs. The incidents also finally expose the names of some of the ringleaders of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Wahhabi movement, some of whom are linked... MORE
Khalid Sheikh Muhammad: Waging Jihad from Prison
Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri have long made clear to their lieutenants that the road to paradise can be found in the enemies' prisons as well as on the battlefield. From prison, they argue, a captured al-Qaeda leader can mislead his interrogators, provide accurate... MORE

GIMF Releases New Doctrinal Lessons for Mujahideen
The latest in a year-long series on proper beliefs and doctrine of the mujahid was released on March 14 by the Global Islamic Media Front. The series, entitled "Lessons in Doctrine (Prepared for the Mujahideen)" is a program prepared specifically for the mujahideen of Iraq... MORE
Internet Mujahideen Face-Off Over Sunni-Shiite Divide
The ongoing sectarian strife in Iraq remains a subject of intense debate on Arabic-language radical Islamist online chat forums in the context of the perceived emergence of a Sunni-Shiite divide in the Middle East. More recently, tensions between the United States and Iran over Tehran's... MORE

Nigerian Militants Influencing Election Campaign
A judge in Nigeria on Tuesday rejected jailed Ijaw militant leader Mujahid Dokubo-Asari's bail request, delaying a decision until June, well after the upcoming April 14 and April 21 elections. Only weeks after Asari threatened to kill Federal High Court Judge Peter Olayiwola and his... MORE
Troop Defections Threaten Pakistan’s Operations in Tribal Regions
At the end of February, Vice President Dick Cheney visited Pakistan to pressure Pervez Musharraf's government to crack down on insurgent activity on the border with Afghanistan. Cheney's visit has highlighted how Pakistan's will and power to fight Taliban militants in the country's northwestern highlands... MORE

Afghanistan: Forgetting the Lessons of History
Afghanistan is again being lost to the West. The insurgency may drag on for many months or several years, but the tide has turned. Like Alexander's Greeks, the British and the Soviets before the U.S.-led coalition, inferior Afghan insurgents have forced far superior Western military... MORE

French Authorities Dismantle Network of Fighters Bound for Iraq
In the early hours of February 14, the anti-terrorism directorate of the French national police arrested 11 French citizens, including four women, on suspicion that they were part of a network recruiting volunteers to go to Iraq to fight the U.S.-led coalition. On February 17,... MORE
MNLF May Quit the Peace Process in the Philippines
When looking at the multitude of insurgent problems in the Philippines, one tends to overlook the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which signed a peace agreement with the Philippine government in 1996 establishing the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) for five provinces. MNLF founder... MORE
New Sufi Group Joins the Iraqi Insurgency
Late last year, The Jamestown Foundation reported on a new insurgent group comprised of Qadiri Sufi insurgents calling themselves the Battalions of Sheikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (Terrorism Focus, September 19, 2006). In September 2006, it was somewhat of an anomaly. At the time, it was... MORE