Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

New Zawahiri Video

The latest videotape, featuring bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri, aired by the al-Jazeera satellite channel on November 29, poses a number of questions both in terms of the content and the quality of the production. The content features the standard warning against the United States... MORE

Philippines’ Ceasefire in the Balance…

Renewed action by Philippine armed forces indicates that the path to rehabilitation of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is not running smoothly. On November 19 an air attack targeted what was a meeting of about 50 Abu Sayyaf terrorists, including leaders Khadaffy Janjalani and... MORE

Sectarian Divisions after Fallujah

Beyond the innumerable expressions of defiance at the loss to the insurgents of Fallujah, some expressions of pessimism have crept into jihadist forums – always a useful barometer of mujahideen morale. The fall of the city is of great significance "since it was considered the... MORE

More Clerics, in Another Firing Line

In the last edition of Terrorism Focus we featured how clerics were in the firing line from Muslims liberals. Now they have come in for some stick from the jihadist leaders. On November 17 a letter of ‘advice and pity for my brothers who are... MORE

…While Indonesia Makes Progress against JI

On November 25 the Indonesian military made public the arrest – which had taken place three weeks earlier – of four men at the Javan town of Bogor. They were identified as major figures in the Indonesian radical group Jemaah Islamiah (JI), and implicated in... MORE

Questions over the Taliban Threat

The latest series of attacks in Afghanistan makes predicting the progress in the stabilization of the country a difficult call. The failure by the Taliban to disrupt the presidential elections on October 9 led to prognoses from both the Afghan government and the U.S. military... MORE

Top Egyptian Terrorist under Pressure

A report from a London-based Islamic affairs research centre illustrates the ongoing pressure exerted by the Egyptian government on its Islamist dissidents. A November 30 statement issued by the London-based al-Maqrizi Centre for Historical Studies, headed by former member of the outlawed Egyptian group Islamic... MORE

Saudi Mujahideen: Down but not Out?

The attack on Monday December 6 on the U.S. consulate in Jedda, coming after a lull in high profile attacks, cast a different light from the image put out by the Saudi Arabian government on the progress against the Islamist Mujahideen in the country. The... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s Diminishing Returns in the Peninsula

The latest attempted bombing of the Interior Ministry building and the Special Emergency Forces headquarters training unit at Riyadh on December 29, appears to spell out more evidence of al-Qaeda's decline in the Peninsula. The bombings and related clashes with Islamist militants accounted for a... MORE

Kuwaiti Officers Arrested Plotting to Kill Americans

High ranking officers in the Kuwaiti army have been arrested on suspicion of planning terrorist acts against American military and residential areas in the emirate. The news provides more evidence of growing radicalism in Kuwait, and of fallout from the conflict in Iraq. A report... MORE