Latest Terrorism Focus Articles
Major al-Qaeda Player Taken out in Pakistan
Out of a list of successes and near-misses in Pakistan, the killing of one key al-Qaeda operative may mark a turning point in the fortunes of the contest. In what is the latest in a series of breakthroughs announced by Pakistani security, a two-hour gun... MORE
The Wider Influences on Southeast Asian Terrorism
Indications of a long-term plan to keep the Southeast Asia region boiling come from Indonesian police reports of two developments: the hunt for Malaysian bomb maker Azahari Husin and Noordin Mohammed Top, and the investigation of video recordings seized from Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militants.... MORE
Top al-Qaeda Operative Arrested in Lebanon
On Wednesday September 23 Lebanese authorities announced the arrest of the country's top al-Qaeda operative, who along with another Lebanese suspect had planned to stage simultaneous suicide bombing attacks in Beirut against the embassies of Italy and Ukraine, both participating members of the US-led coalition... MORE
London’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ Scare
Indications of the seriousness of the WMD threat, or at least of the level of intentions to employ such a device, were brought a little closer to home on September 24, when British police in London arrested four men on suspicion of the commission, preparation... MORE
Al-Qaeda’s Online Publications
The latest edition of the online periodical Mu'askar al-Battar (‘The Al-Battar Training Camp') appeared on the web this week. Issue no 19, entitled ‘To arms, to arms! To the armies of Islam! The battle cry: No Surrender!' features essays on military training, the care and... MORE
Sheikh Al-Shami, Al-Zarqawi’s Mentor, Killed
As the number of allies of Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi in Iraq diminishes from the effects of coalition attrition, the loss of one ally in particular is likely to prove highly damaging. Sheikh Abu Anas al-Shami (also known as Omar Yusuf Jumah) was killed on September... MORE
Where Is Bin Laden? Al-qaeda Media Activity On The 9/11 Anniversary
There was something of a minor surge in Al-Qaeda media traffic around the third anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. On September 9 Al-Jazeera television received a video tape featuring al-Qaeda's number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in his first appearance in a... MORE
Australian Terrorism Fears Materialize
The prediction concerning the potential targeting of Australia, made in the last edition of Terrorism Focus, duly came to pass. It came in the form of two incidents within a few days of each other, one an attack on the Australian embassy in Jakarta, the... MORE
Yemeni Rebel Leader Al-houthi Slain
Yemeni government sources formally announced on September 10 the end of the rebellion under Zaidi Shi'ite tribal chief Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi. This follows the killing of al-Houthi and his brother as the result of an attack on their hideout in the region of Sha'ab... MORE
Milf Warn Against Ji Infiltration In The Philippines
The largest Islamist insurgency group in the Philippines, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), has issued strict instructions to its members not to link up with any members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) who may be entering the southern island of Mindanao in order to... MORE