Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Understanding the Second Houthi Rebellion in Yemen

2004 witnessed a lengthy battle between Shabab al-Mu'minoon (Believing Youth), a Shi’a religious organization, and the Yemeni government. Believing Youth’s leader and inspirational figure, Hussein Badr ad-Deen al-Houthi, was killed in early September and his death marked the end of that conflict. The fighting, however,... MORE

Islamist Extremist Mobilization in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is increasingly recognized as the locus of a significant and expanding threat emanating from radicalized Islamist extremist mobilization and its systematic transformation into political and terrorist violence. Notwithstanding vociferous official denials, it has, for some time now, been an established staging post for terrorism... MORE

The Origins of Militancy and Salafism in Morocco

Moroccan militants have carried out a number of daring and devastating attacks in the last 24 months: from the train bombings in Madrid, to the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and the executions of more than 166 Moroccan civilians regarded as "bad Muslims".... MORE

The Ongoing Baluch Insurgency in Pakistan

On May 14, four bombs went off in Gwadar, a coastal town in Pakistan’s western province of Baluchistan, where around 500 Chinese engineers and workers are busy building a deep-sea port. [1] On May 3, 2003, a bomb blast at the same site killed three... MORE

The Future of Uzbekistan After Andijan

To assess the nature and likely development of terrorist threats to Uzbekistan in the wake of the Andijan massacre, we must determine what exactly happened there on May 12-13 and place this massacre – which may have taken as many as 1,000 lives – in... MORE

Al-Qaeda and WMD: A Primer

Al-Qaeda's peculiar constitution as an organization and its proven ability to plan and execute mega-terror attacks makes it the most likely candidate to pull off the world’s first serious terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction. [1] Al-Qaeda’s attempt to cause massive destruction would serve... MORE

Al-Qaeda and WMD: a Primer

Al-Qaeda's peculiar constitution as an organization and its proven ability to plan and execute mega-terror attacks makes it the most likely candidate to pull off the world’s first serious terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction. [1] Al-Qaeda’s attempt to cause massive destruction would serve... MORE

What Lies Ahead For Tajikistan?

Tajikistan differs from the other countries of Central Asia for several reasons. Tajiks are the only relatively large group of Persian-speaking people in Central Asia. The titular nationalities of the remaining republics belong to the Turkic language group. The threat of forceful assimilation by Turks... MORE