Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Kazakhstan’s Emerging Role In The War On Terror

Kazakhstan has taken on an increasingly active role in the war on terrorism since its initial declaration of support after 9/11, promoting regional security and developing more effective means to protect its energy infrastructure and civilian population from possible terrorist attacks. Kazakhstan's perception of the... MORE

Cooperation And Conflict: Analyzing The U.s.-yemen Relationship

Although President Salih condemned American military action against insurgents in Fallujah, saying that terror must be fought with persuasion and dialogue rather than anti-personnel bombs (al-Motamar 2004), he welcomed the new U.S.-led Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), based in Djibouti. Yemen has been... MORE

Editor’s Note On Special Issue On Maritime Terrorism

Dear Readers: Jamestown presents this special issue on Maritime Terrorism in an on-going effort to address future threats in the War on Terror. Given al-Qaeda’s explicit goal of targeting centers of world commerce, the vulnerability of many international seaports and waterways presents a grave challenge... MORE

Anti-ship Warfare And Molotov Cocktails At The Siege Of Acre, 1190

Translated by Jamestown Staff Translator's Introduction The following translation written by the anonymous author "The Brother of Him that Obeys God" was published in the April 17 issue of the online military magazine Mu'askar al-Battar (Al-Battar Training Camp). As stated in a editorial in the... MORE

Terrorism In Southeast Asia: Keeping Al-qaeda At Bay

Southeast Asia has emerged as an important front on the war on terror. The regional al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiya has launched two major terrorist attacks since October 2002, and, despite a significant number of arrests, retains the capability for more devastating strikes in the future.... MORE

Plugging The Holes In Maritime Security

Introduction On July 1, 2004, the so-called Shipping and Port Facility Safety Code (SPSC) is due to come into the effect. The initiative obliges all states engaged in ocean-going trade to institute minimum standards of security at their harbor facilities and to similarly certify vessels... MORE

Facing The Terrorist Threat In The Malacca Strait

Much of the world's economy depends on the security of shipping that passes through a narrow body of water in Southeast Asia known as the Strait of Malacca. Situated between the coastline of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore to the East and the Indonesian island of... MORE

Pakistan’s Hunt For Al-qaeda In South Waziristan

Pakistan’s month long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorists, believed to be sheltered by a sub-clan of the powerful Wazir tribe that inhabits the area along Afghanistan’s border in South Waziristan, has reached a stalemate, and there has still been no public announcement indicating the capture of... MORE

Turkey’s Al-qaeda Blowback

In the 1980's the CIA commenced a vast covert operation to arm the anti-Soviet Mujahideen factions in Afghanistan as a means of turning the Soviet Fortieth Expeditionary Army's invasion of this Central Asian country into a Vietnam-style quagmire. In forging this dangerous new transnational holy... MORE

Terrorism In Uzbekistan: A Self-made Crisis

However paradoxical it may sound, the recent terrorist acts in Uzbekistan were not a complete surprise, either to average citizens in the republic or to political analysts. The horrific economic situation in the republic, the extreme level of corruption exhibited by the state apparatus, the... MORE