Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The Islamic Movement Of Uzbekistan: A Resurgent Imu?

Over the past three years, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)--a group on the U.S. Department of State's list of international terrorist organizations--has kept a very low profile. Twice, in the summers of 1999 and 2000, IMU militants attempted to overthrow the secular regime in... MORE

Tanzania: Islamic Extremism’s Next Beachhead? (part Ii)

To what extent can we ascribe realistic veracity to the general Western fear that Tanzania could be emerging as a new hub for transnational Islamic extremism in East Africa? Undoubtedly there are reasons for concern. The country clearly offers a conducive theater in which to... MORE

Mojahedin-e-khalq: Saddam’s Iranian Allies

The Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organisation (MKO) is arguably the most controversial and perplexing topic in terrorism today. It is one of the greatest ironies of the recent Iraq war that an organization created in 1965, in part to combat "American Imperialism" and which after the November 1979... MORE

The War Within

The tumult caused by the spate of bombings in Saudi Arabia may reflect accurately the turmoil happening in the war of hearts and minds - including those of the terrorists themselves. Although Saudi Arabia has long been under the spotlight for its role in the... MORE

The Saudi Takeover Of Al-azhar University

The traveler who walks the streets of Cairo notices the many simple bookstands that proliferate all over the city. However, he may fail to observe the titles that top the hit parade of those numerous Arab streets. There are three: Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf; the... MORE

Editor’s Note

Afghanistan - Two years after the fall of the Taliban Editor's Note: November marks the second anniversary of the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In recognition of this, the Terrorism Monitor is devoting an entire issue to the subject of Afghanistan. While the... MORE

An Interview With Olivier Roy

Olivier Roy is one of the world's leading experts on Afghanistan. He is a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. Mr. Roy has written many books on Afghanistan and political Islam, including a forthcoming work, "Globalized Islam," which is scheduled... MORE

Problem Solved?

This month marks the two-year anniversary of the Taliban's fall. While the need for improvement in Afghanistan remains, the country's population appears better off now than at any time since warfare first broke out over two decades ago. The Afghan people themselves support this conclusion... MORE