Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 109

The group of leading Russian bankers who caused a sensation at the end of April by calling on all the candidates in Russia’s presidential election to abandon rivalry for compromise in the interests of national unity, have issued another appeal. This time, eight of the original 13 financiers have appealed to Gennady Zyuganov to abandon the economic program he unveiled last month. (ORT, Interfax, June 9) The bankers say Zyuganov’s economic policies would amount to a re-run of the failed policies of the Gorbachev leadership in the mid-1980s. They would isolate Russia from the global economy and forfeit the support of the IMF. Because Zyuganov is unlikely to abandon his program less than a week before the election, the bankers’ latest move seems intended to rally support for Boris Yeltsin.

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