Russia’s hunt for Western money has not modifiedRussia’s stance on foreign-policy issues of concern to Western powers.Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov backed the claim of Yugoslav PresidentSlobodan Milosevic that Serbian forces must remain in Kosovo to fightterrorists and ensure that no violence is perpetrated against ethnic Serbs.Primakov described potential NATO military action in Kosovo as”inconceivable.” …Atomic-energy officials initialed a $2.6 billion dealfor the sale of two 1000-megawatt nuclear reactors to India. The dealviolates the informal rules of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which barreactor-technology sales to countries (like India) that do not place alltheir nuclear facilities under international safeguards. The U.S. StateDepartment says it will urge Russia to reconsider but does not want tooverdramatize the situation.