Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 126
In his current incarnation as deputy chairman of the Duma’s International Relations committee, Oleg Bogomolov criticized Russia’s current policy toward the countries of East-Central Europe at a Duma hearing on the subject. Bogomolov felt that Russia’s relations with those countries stumble on the issue of NATO’s enlargement, and that the initiative in filling the security vacuum in that region currently lies fully with the USA and Western Europe. He criticized the Foreign Ministry for passivity, damaging Russia’s prestige and credibility in East-Central Europe, and "underestimating the importance of normal relations with those countries to Russia’s security and economic development." (9)
A veteran adviser to the ex-USSR leadership on policy toward East-Central Europe, Bogomolov sought to exercise a moderating influence on that policy from his position as director of the Institute for the Economics of Socialist Countries. For decades his articles and statements were carefully examined in that region and by Western experts. Bogomolov subsequently supported the reformist course and is currently a member of the "Russia’s Democratic Choice" faction in the Duma.
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