Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 54
Russian and Chechen talksare supposed to resume today after a three-day break in whichboth sides consulted with their governments, and in which themedia suggested that neither had softened its stand on the keyissue of the future status of Chechnya. Chechen officials indicatedthat many Chechen fighters would continue to fight until Russiarecognized Chechnya’s independence, and Shamil Basayev, who ledthe Budennovsk raid, said that his capture and death would sparkmore terrorist attacks inside Russia. Consequently, even if theChechen delegation signs an accord this week, that agreement mayquickly break down. Meanwhile, Russian television reported thatmany army officers were putting pressure on the Russian negotiatorsto hold the line at the talks and even to allow them to resumefighting to a victorious conclusion. The still fragile ceasefirecontinued to hold but sporadic fighting claimed one life on eachside July 17, Itar-Tass reported July 18. Meanwhile, there wasno new information about the fate of Fred Cuny, the American aidworker who has been missing in the region since April 9.
Ukraine to Participate in Yugoslav Talks.