Publication: Monitor Volume: 3 Issue: 122

United Tajik Opposition first deputy chairman Akbar Turanjozoda yesterday warned that the government is jeopardizing the planned signing of a political agreement with the opposition, scheduled to take place on June 27 in Moscow under the aegis of Russian president Boris Yeltsin. In a cable to UN secretary general Kofi Annan in the name of UTO chairman Saidabdullo Nuri, Turanjozoda pointed out that the government is still failing to meet two prerequisites to the Moscow meeting set by earlier understandings: inclusion of Dushanbe’s political detainees in a general exchange of prisoners, and definition of the government offices that will comprise the opposition’s 30 percent share of power. The UTO leaders’ message pointed out that UN special envoy Gerd-Dietrich Merrem, "instead of helping overcome these obstacles, sets dates for the Moscow meeting ignoring the aforesaid issues." (Russian agencies, June 21) Merrem, Moscow, and Dushanbe sought to hold the meeting in the Kremlin on June 14, then postponed it to June 27 despite the failure to meet those prerequisites.

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