Publication: North Caucasus Weekly Volume: 3 Issue: 16
On May 27, a session was held in Moscow of the Working Group of the Public Committee to Investigate the Circumstances of the Explosions of Apartment Houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk and the Exercises of the FSB in Ryazan (in September 1999). Participating in the session were Duma deputies Sergei Kovalev and Sergei Yushenkov, as well as Boris Zolotukhin and Lev Levinson, plus the lawyers of the Moscow City Collegium of Lawyers: Yury Larin, Karinna Moskalenko and Roman Karpinsky. “At the session, versions concerning the explosions of the buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk which had been proposed by Sergei Yushenkov were discussed.” The main tasks before the working group were said to be: “(1) to investigate the events which took place in Ryazan’; (2) to offer legal assistance to those who suffered as a result of the explosions; and (3) to create a mechanism of civilian control over the activities of the special services and law enforcement organs” (Kommersant, May 29).