Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 92

At a press conference in Moscow yesterday, former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev called the Russian media "a one-man show" and said they were heavily biased in favor of incumbent President Boris Yeltsin. Appealing to the press to report the presidential campaign objectively, Gorbachev said there is less press freedom in Russia today than there was when he was leader of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s. (Interfax, May 12; Financial Times, May 13) The Russian Communist party, which has frequently complained of media bias, announced over the weekend that, because of media "dishonesty," it would not spend any of its campaign funds on advertising in the central press but would concentrate instead on the regional press and on door-to-door leafleting to spread its message. (Interfax-Eurasia, May 12)

Luzhkov Registered as Candidate for Mayor of Moscow.