Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 155

President Yeltsin’s former security chief, General Aleksandr Korzhakov, plans to write a book giving "concrete information about concrete people." An interview with Korzhakov, who was unceremoniously sacked from his post as Yeltsin’s chief bodyguard at the end of June, appears in the latest issue of the mass circulation newspaper Argumenty i fakty. Korzhakov said the Presidential Security Service, which he formerly headed, has already handed incriminating materials on corruption in high places to the Prosecutor General; he said this includes the numbers of secret bank accounts in which top-ranking politicians and businessmen keep their ill-gotten gains. Korzhakov said that, when he left the Kremlin, he was deluged with million-dollar job offers from banks and private enterprises, but that his ambition is to run for parliament. He said a team of "like-minded people" is supporting his campaign. (Interfax, August 21)

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