Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 122
Russian foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev says that he would not want to be part of a "master-slave relationship" with president Boris Yeltsin. Kozyrev repeated this phrase several times in the course of a lengthy televised interview, in which he offered to continue serving as Yeltsin’s "ally." The tone of their relationship should be that "of allies, not of masters and slaves. I did not come to serve the president as one does a master and I am not prepared for the tone of those public statements," Kozyrev said, with reference to Yeltsin’s recent criticisms of his performance and intimations that the minister could be replaced. Kozyrev offered to continue working with Yeltsin in resisting "the winds of nationalism and isolationism," but reserved the right to resign if Yeltsin decided to abandon what Kozyrev portrayed as their joint policy of cooperation with the West. That policy is being "lacerated" by short-term political pressures and under the influence of other aides, Kozyrev charged. He will try to sort out the situation personally with Yeltsin after a short pause for reflection on both sides, Kozyrev said. (2)
Koenigsberg Termed Anti-NATO Bulwark.