Publication: North Caucasus Weekly Volume: 3 Issue: 10
On March 26, the director of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, told reporters in Petersburg that his agency possessed additional information concerning the involvement of oligarch Boris Berezovsky in the funding of illegal armed formations in Chechnya. “We have received even more information than we had expected,” Patrushev revealed. Commenting on the Berezovsky-financed film “An Assassination Attempt against Russia,” which aims to prove that the FSB was behind the September 1999 apartment house bombings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, Patrushev said that Berezovsky “can make a show, but in this case he could not produce a sufficient amount of facts” (Interfax, March 26). The following day, it was announced that former FSB employee Aleksandr Litvinenko, who had collaborated with Berezovsky and others in the making of the film, and who had recently requested political asylum in Britain, was to be summoned to Russia for questioning in connection with “abuse of office, forgery, and also the stealing and illegal possession of ammunition” (Interfax, March 27). According to the Russian websites Grani.ru and Kompromat.ru, the Berezovsky-financed documentary film “Pokushenie na Rossiyu” [Assassination Attempt against Russia] is available in Russian at: https://www.divx-digest.com/software/index.html#codecs. An English translation of the Berezovsky-sponsored book, entitled Blowing Up Russia, is available for purchase at the bookstore of spibooks.com. For the Russian original, see https://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.