Publication: Monitor Volume: 3 Issue: 105
First Deputy Premier Boris Nemtsov flew yesterday to Samara oblast, in the Volga region, which is emerging as one of the "tigers" of the Russian economy. (ORT, May 28) Nemtsov was there in his capacity as Energy Minister to publicize his plans to reform Russia’s energy sector. Samara has already introduced energy meters for home use. Nemtsov said on his arrival that, if the rest of Russia followed Samara’s example, domestic fuel consumption could be cut by between 20 and 30 percent. Nemtsov also intends to publicize plans to put the provision of municipal services out to private tender. Again, Samara is ahead of other Russian regions in liberalizing the municipal housing market, but its experience in this respect has not been a happy once since rent increases provoked widespread public protest.
Luzhkov on the Warpath.