Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 82

The well-informed journalist Gleb Cherkassov says reports that Gennady Zyuganov has already decided on the composition of his future cabinet are false. On the contrary, Cherkassov says, Zyuganov plans to wait until after the election to make the final selection. At present, Zyuganov plans to retain the services of "between a third and a quarter" of the present ministers and deputy ministers, Cherkassov says. (Segodnya, April 23)

Anatoly Chubais warned in his recent interview that some politicians in the present administration are making anti-reformist noises with an eye to ingratiating themselves with a potential future Communist leadership. He may have been thinking of First Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets, who strongly criticized "mistakes made during privatization" in a newspaper article last week. (Rossiiskaya gazeta, April 20) Soskovets criticized the fact that strategically important oil and defense companies were sold off at bargain basement prices. He said an immediate stop should be put to auctions of shares in such companies and ways should be found of ensuring that the state maintained a say in how such companies are managed.

Chubais Explains Why He Is Supporting Yeltsin.