Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 156
With his party set for a strong showing, communist leader Gennady Zyuganov asserted while casting his ballot that the West should not be afraid of him, "a peaceful man." Zyuganov pronounced himself ready to form a broad coalition in the Duma for the sake of softening the impact of reforms. He does not intend to veer the "ship of state" abruptly to the left, merely to correct its course; and the powers to do so are in any event limited because Yeltsin enjoys more powers than "Bill Clinton, the tsar, the general secretary, and the Egyptian pharaoh combined." Implicitly questioning Chernomyrdin’s declared readiness to cooperate, Zyuganov accused the present government of continuing the "destructive policies" of its predecessors.
Reformers Concerned But Not Alarmed