Latest Articles about Middle East
The United Arab Emirates: Next stop for the mujahideen?
With jihadist violence having made its debut in Qatar, the issue of spreading instability in the Arab Gulf region as a whole, which supplies some 60 percent of oil imports to the United States, is now a growing concern. Already the relationship of Kuwait and... MORE
Mojahedin-e-Khalq: Saddam’s Iranian Allies
The Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organisation (MKO) is arguably the most controversial and perplexing topic in terrorism today. It is one of the greatest ironies of the recent Iraq war that an organization created in 1965, in part to combat "American Imperialism" and which after the November 1979... MORE
Saudi “Black Gold:” Will Terrorism Deny The West Its Fix?
The al-Qaida terror attacks in Saudi Arabia have thus far spared the country's oil infrastructure, being concentrated in the capital, Riyadh. A bombing in that city on May 12 killed thirty-five people; a second bombing followed on November 8; it killed eighteen people and wounded... MORE
The Saudi Takeover Of Al-Azhar University
The traveler who walks the streets of Cairo notices the many simple bookstands that proliferate all over the city. However, he may fail to observe the titles that top the hit parade of those numerous Arab streets. There are three: Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf; the... MORE
The War Within
The tumult caused by the spate of bombings in Saudi Arabia may reflect accurately the turmoil happening in the war of hearts and minds - including those of the terrorists themselves. Although Saudi Arabia has long been under the spotlight for its role in the... MORE
Yemen Facing Insurgency on Two Fronts
Two parallel, but distinct challenges to central authority underline how Yemen will take some time to shake off its reputation as a cradle of Islamist militancy. One is a resurgence of the rebellion of Shi'ite tribesmen following the cleric Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the second challenge... MORE
Terror In The Holy City: Analyzing The Al-qaida Attacks In Mecca
The deaths of two suspected al-Qaida militants who blew themselves up in Mecca to avoid arrest has highlighted what the Saudis for years have denied; that al-Qaida has a significant presence in-country, and has even penetrated Islam’s holiest city. As the legitimacy of Saudi rulers... MORE
The Voice of Jihad is Back
Perceptions as to the war on terrorism in Saudi Arabia took a knock with the news of a series of armed confrontations during the month of April. The first of these, the bloodiest in a two-year struggle between al-Qaeda and government forces, was a three... MORE
Sciri: An American Ally In Iraq?
SCIRI The United States faces three adversaries in its attempts to stabilize and democratize Iraq. These are indigenous Arab Nationalists (Baathist or otherwise), foreign Sunni Islamists and Shia extremists. The Sunni Islamists are the least formidable of the three. Iraq lacks the Sunni Islamist political... MORE
Afghanistan’s Resurgent Taliban
Though Afghanistan today faces many threats, the greatest is that from Islamist extremists inside the country as well as those sheltering in the neighboring provinces of Pakistan. The most recent period has seen adversaries of the Karzai government and the US regroup their main forces.... MORE