Latest Articles about North Caucasus

Insurgency-Related Violence Reported In Dagestan and Ingushetia

Dagestan’s Interior Ministry reported today (November 11) that security forces yesterday (November 10) had detained a local resident with an improvised explosive device on the outskirts of the city of Buinaksk. A ministry source was quoted as saying that police unsuccessfully tried to stop a... MORE

Jembulat Bolotoko: The Prince of Princes (Part Two)

The 1830 Russian-Temirgoi Treaty: The Biggest Success That the Circassians Had During 101 Years of War. On September 2, 1829, Russia and Turkey signed the Adrianople Treaty, and Turkey recognized Circassia as a territory of Russian influence. After the Adrianople Treaty, Jembulat decided to make... MORE

Jembulat Bolotoko: The Prince of Princes (Part One)

The Russian-Circassian war was one of the longest and cruelest conflicts in world history. Between 1763-1822, most battles took place in the principality of Kabarda in Eastern Circassia until it became part of the Russian Empire. Those who did not accept Russian rule moved to... MORE

Policemen Attacked In Dagestan, Ingushetia and Karachaevo-Cherkessia

Dagestan’s Interior Ministry reported today (November 4) that two residents of Dagestan’s Tlyaratinsky district had been arrested for illegal possession of weapons. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition and explosives were seized from a 49-year-old resident of the village of Tlyarat, while ammunition and a sniper’s... MORE