Latest Articles about North Caucasus

Chechen Authorities’ Hidden War Against Militants
In the past week, many people in Chechnya saw an anonymous video of clashes at the administrative border between Chechnya and Ingushetia. The video was apparently recorded by a Chechen police officer, but the authorities, trying to conceal the clashes from the public, disliked the... MORE

Leaked Video Details the Activities of Russian Hit Squads Abroad
An unexpected breakthrough emerged in the stalled investigations of several mysterious international murders of Chechens with ties to the Caucasus Emirate in 2008–2012. The news concerns a person who simultaneously worked for the security services of several countries—Russia, Georgia and Turkey. A kind of James... MORE

Cossacks Expect State Aid, but Express Disappointment With Government
A large rally of Terek Cossacks took place in the city of Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, on February 16. The Cossack organizations stated they would join forces with other ethnic-Russian organizations to thwart the draining of the ethnic-Russian population from the North Caucasus (https://www.apn.ru/publications/article31077.htm). “Gathering the... MORE

Circassian Activist Details Mistreatment by the Police and Why He Protests
Andzor Akhokhov, an embattled Circassian activist, told the Kavpolit.com website about the police crackdown on civil activists. On February 7, when the Winter Olympics opened in Sochi, dozens of Circassians staged a protest in the central part of Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, but they were quickly dispersed... MORE

Rebels in Kabardino-Balkaria Apologize for Accidental Killings
Since the start of the year, the security services have been waging a powerful counter-insurgency campaign in Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan. There are reports about the killing of a militant or a group of militants from these republics practically every week (https://u-f.ru/News/u316/2014/01/31/669068).Despite this pressure, the rebel... MORE

With Fewer Options, Dagestani Leader Offers Deal to Salafi Sympathizers in Gimry
Magomedali Magomedov, who was removed as Dagestan’s president in 2013, was the first leader of the republic who proposed starting negotiations with the Salafis. The dialogue process was aimed at Salafis who are not members of the armed resistance but sympathize with the insurgency and... MORE

Despite Olympics, Russian Government Expands Crackdown on Circassian Activists
On February 14, Russian police arrested Asker Sokht, the head of the Circassian civil organization Adyge Khase, in the city of Krasnodar, the capital of the region hosting the Olympic Games in Sochi. Even though the official reasons for the arrest were unknown, observers noted... MORE

Chechens Fingered by Moscow Arrested in Several European Countries but Then Released
Following Russia’s peculiar behavior in regard to sharing information on Tamerlan Tsarnaev with the United States (https://polit.ru/news/2013/04/22/tamerlan/), Moscow decided to pursue the same policies toward Chechens living in Europe. The exact figure or number of Chechens residing in Europe is unknown. According to some unconfirmed... MORE

Tbilisi Moves Closer to Moscow Vis-à-Vis the North Caucasus
Georgia’s policy toward the North Caucasus has never been marked by continuity. It experienced ups and downs throughout the ages, according to historical evidence. The Chechens helped the Georgians against the Khazars in the distant past, and the first king of Georgia, Farnavaz, was married... MORE

North Caucasus Leaders Seek Greater Autonomy and Access to Local Natural Resources
At the meeting of the Russian Ministry for Regional Development on February 4, Dagestan’s leader Ramazan Abdulatipov said the central government in Moscow should give the regions the right to administer regional resources if it cannot do it properly itself. Abdulatipov provided an example, noting... MORE