Militant Leadership Monitor – June 2013 Issue

In the June issue of MLM Nicholas A. Heras provides two briefs, one concerning a leadership dispute within the Syrian-back Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas Brigade to Defend the Holy Shrine of Sayida Zeinab and a second brief about a ceasefire negotiated between MNLA leader Bilal ag Acherif and the Malian government. Nicholas A. Heras also provided a glimpse at Hezbollah leader Mustapha Amin Badreddine. Pascale Combelles Siegel provided a sketch of France’s self-declared jihadist Gilles Le Guen. Brian Glyn Williams wrote a post-mortem analysis of Pakistani Taliban military strategist Wali ur-Rehman. The issue concludes with an in-depth profile of militant turned politician Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid by Jamie Dettmer.