Latest Articles about united nations
The Leninist Leash: How Beijing’s Answer to Global Demand for Choice Makes the World More Closed Off
Executive Summary: Many so-called “Global South” countries feel it is time to do away with what they regard as the double standards of rich countries and are open to alternatives. However, Beijing’s offer comes with a catch: it involves exporting the controlling logic of its... MORE
Article 23 Legislation and the Export of Hong Kong’s Human Rights Violations
Executive Summary: The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO) introduced under Article 23 of the Basic Law prohibits five types of activities which HKSAR officials intend to declare as “offenses,” and has proposed provisions which are vague and criminalize the peaceful exercise of human rights while... MORE
China’s UPR: Support for Abuse Stalls at the UN
Executive Summary: Analysis of UPR data suggests the PRC’s influence at the UN, at least on human rights issues, may be plateauing. The UPR outcomes reflect a potentially shifting global consensus on the country’s human rights practices, with increased coordination among critics and less cohesive... MORE
China’s Universal Periodic Review Tracks Its Influence At The UN
Executive Summary Analysis of trends across three previous UPRs (2009, 2013, and 2018) suggests an increase in PRC influence in the UN. Over time, there has been an increase in approving questions from PRC-friendly states, diluting criticism and highlighting the PRC's ability to garner international... MORE