Publication: Terrorism Focus Volume: 3 Issue: 43


According to Dawn on November 3, the bullet-riddled body of local tribesman Mohammed Jan Khan was found near Chingai village in Bajaur Agency. A note in Pashtu was found attached to his body that accused him of spying for the United States. According to a local official quoted in the press report, Khan was blamed for giving information that led to last week’s government attack on a madrassa compound in Chingai. On the morning of October 30, Pakistani security forces destroyed the madrassa, targeting several high-ranking al-Qaeda linked tribal militants (Terrorism Focus, October 31). In addition to the killing of Khan, the beheaded and mutilated body of a tribal cleric was found on November 3 in the border region between North and South Waziristan. Security officials stated that, like in the Chingai case, a note was found on his body, accusing him of spying for the United States (Times of India, November 3). Despite government peace deals in Waziristan, and attempts at peace deals in Bajaur Agency, it appears that the Taliban continues to punish severely those accused of having contact with the government and Western security services.


Afghanistan’s Tolo television station recently broadcasted a report stating that Hezb-e-Islami has seized control of the Shamshatoo refugee camp in Peshawar and has offered military training to new recruits. Furthermore, Hezb-e-Islami banned music and television in the camp and threatened to cut off power or force people out of the camp if they defied the order. In the broadcast, Afghan security officials accused Pakistan’s ISI of working in collusion with Hezb-e-Islami (Tolo TV, October 28). Hezb-e-Islami is led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who is regarded as one of the most dangerous insurgent leaders currently running operations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. In the past, he has been able to recruit many insurgents in Pakistani refugee camps, and there are concerns that he continues to do so today (Terrorism Monitor, September 21).