Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 103

. The Duma’s deputy chairman Gennady Seleznev (Communist Party) has announced his intention to ask the Constitutional Court to declare the second stage of privatization invalid. The deputy chairman of the Duma’s committee for property and privatization, Vladimir Lisichkin, a member of Zhirinovsky’s party, said that his faction would support the communists in their campaign against privatization and would insist on a court probe of the constitutionality of allowing commercial banks and individuals to buy up state enterprises. However, Yeltsin’s aide for economic policy, Aleksandr Livshits, said that the claims of the communists and Zhirinovsky’s party are " practically unenforceable." While admitting that in the process of privatization there are wrong decisions and misdeeds, Livshits emphasized that particular abuses can be challenged in court. (5)

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