Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 167

Managers of a several large industrial enterprises in Primorsky krai in Russia’s Far East have appealed to Russian prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin for financial support for the region’s fuel and energy producers. They say federal support is essential to ensure that local enterprises have enough fuel to get through the winter. (RTR, September 9) This is part of an ongoing battle between the Kremlin and regional governor Yevgeny Nazdratenko. The Kremlin blames Nazdratenko’s policy of subsidizing energy prices for the fuel shortages that have plagued the region throughout the year. It has given Nazdratenko an ultimatum, which runs out in one week, to bring energy prices in the krai into line with those in other parts of Russia. But Yeltsin seems unwilling to use his self-granted presidential power to sack Nazdratenko lest the rebellious governor follow through on threats to take Primorsky krai out of the Russian Federation. The regional legislature, which is loyal to Nazdratenko, has called a referendum for September 22 to ask residents whether they support Nazdratenko’s pricing policies and whether he should remain in office.

Resistance Leaders and Parties Gather in Grozny to Discuss Coalition Government.